Re: Loading dia module in python

At 21.01.2009 13:52, Philip Cavaco wrote:
> [...]
I would like to load a .dia image in python outside of the Dia python
You could write a plug-in for Dia in Python - see but currently a script using

import dia

will only work inside of Dia. The first Dia Python bindings are based on Python running embedded in Dia. See:

I have downloaded the source but can't find any clear
documentation about how to build Dia using the --with-python flag.
Huh? You pass in the flag and the python plug-in gets build. For more information just use the souce ;)

But indeed there is no dedicated documentation about how Dia is embedding Python - can't even point you to the documentation that it does.

Some more information available with the announcement of my effort to create stand-alone bindings:

But even if you can make it work the requested functionality to load a .dia file is not available there yet, because that is implemented in app/load_save.c - but just part of lib/ is accessible with the second binding effort. All import/export formats implemented as pug-ins should work from the standalone bindings, see:

If I
can get this working would it install the dia module into pythons
site-packages so that it can be loaded easily in python?

No, see above.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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