Adding Menu items.


I got tired of not having a 'Size' option as well as an 'Align' option for objects.

I've implemented all the code, but, I just can't seem to figure out the menuing system.

I've added these lines to menu.c

   { "ObjectsSize", NULL, N_("Size"), NULL, NULL, NULL },
{ "ObjectsSizeBoth", NULL , N_("Both"), "<alt><shift>B", NULL, G_CALLBACK (objects_size_callback) }, { "ObjectsSizeWidth", NULL, N_("Width"), "<alt><shift>W", NULL, G_CALLBACK (objects_size_callback) }, { "ObjectsSizeHeight", NULL, N_("Height"), "<alt><shift>H", NULL, G_CALLBACK (objects_size_callback) },

And, these lines to popup-ui.xml

           <separator name="ObjectsSep4" />
           <menu name="ObjectsSize" action="ObjectsSize">
               <menuitem name="ObjectsSizeBoth" action="ObjectsSizeBoth" />
<menuitem name="ObjectsSizeWidth" action="ObjectsSizeWidth" /> <menuitem name="ObjectsSizeHeight" action="ObjectsSizeHeight" />

I've done a clean build and the menu changes are not there....

So, I deduce there must be some other steps / code that is necessary.

Would someone please point me in the right direction?

Best regards,


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