Dia New features request

I just discover Dia (0.97-pre2), so easy to use, fast, intuitive ... wonderful,
I would love to find those features, maybe it does exist, if yes would you be kind to tell me where/how.

- rotate function (on rectangles or boxes, and of course all other elements) - HIGH PRIORITY

- select all (or part of) layers together, if i like to move all the elements of a drawing
- import dxf (real architect drawings, quite big size (100-200MB) doesn't work
- drawing vertical or horizontal lines while keeping CTRL or ALT or any other key, to guarantee that the line is horiz. or vert.
- to be able to give a value for length and with from a rectangle, same for a line or circle

Best regards and hope you'll continue to improve Dia.
Philippe Donnet

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