Re: add line width to uml objects

At 15.10.2008 03:41, Pablo Gra\~na wrote:
NICE!!! Thanks a lot.

I gave the other objects a chance (the 'lines'), but it wasn't that easy. There are a couple of things that can't be done with UML 'lines'
For arrow sizes and line style I think there should be no extra options.
The former could be derived from the line width while the latter just stay
unchangeable. From my understanding it is part of the specification.

like change the font size (and don't remember all).
Yes. Some even consider this more important than line width ;)

So it will take me a little bit more time than I expected.

Take your time, I often enough need mine as well ;-)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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