Re: Enforced icon size?

Am 19.06.2008 09:50, Marcel Toele schrieb:
Hey guys,

I was wondering, what is the rationale for enforcing the icon size to 22x22?

The code to enforce the size was added because I got annoyed of the sheet switching constantly resizing my toolbox. Also IMO the sheets with different sized icons did appear quite distortet.

I have a sheet/set of shapes here that have auto-generated icons,
these need to be at least 32 px wide, otherwise you cannot distinguish any
of them,
there are too many of these shapes to start polishing up my pixel-art skills
create dedicated icons for each of these...

I'm not completely against relaxing the check for icons not part of the dia distribution, i.e. optionalize it now that the included icons are fixed.
Not sure if this option would deserve a GUI;)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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