Re: cut & paste

On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 11:26:16 -0400, Foster, Mike R Civ USAF AFMC AFRL/RYZW wrote
How do I copy from one diagram to another previouslycreated one?

In my installation, (dia 0.96.1 with KDE) the way you do it depens on whether
you need to manage "whole objects" or just "some text" in one object (for
example texts in UML objects).

To cut & paste  whole objects: (I'am allmost sure this does not depend on
You need to be "seeing" both diagrams with just one call of Dia; that is there
must be just one toolbox from which you can manage both diagrams:

Select objects you want to cut of the source diagram, and click on the 
    edit->cut    menu of that diagram
Go to the destiny diagram  and click on the
    edit->paste menu of that diagram
  .... you get the objects in some place of the destiny diagram (it can't be
choosed I beleive); as the objects come  "selected" you can easily move them
where you need them.

To cut & paste  some text from inside an object:
(In my installation I can copy & cut & paste between many different
apllicactions) not only Dia's diagrams) 
Double - click on sorce object to open its properties dialog box, where you
can modify its text,
Select text to cut
click right button and choose cut. Accept changes of dialog box.
Double - click on sorce object to open its properties dialog box 
 go to the place, in text, where you want to paste (that is, click left button
click right button and choose paste. Accept changes of dialog box.

In both cases CTRL-x, CTRL-c and CTRL-v also work as expected.

I hope this will help you; some experimenting with unimportant diagrams will
help you better.  

Mike Foster

loli unsa edu ar
Dolores Alia de Saravia
Inenco, Salta, Argentina

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