Re: Request

I use a variety of other open source programs to do true freehand and bring in jpg of them.  Not a great solution but OK. 

Other alternatives are bezier regions and bezierlines.  Not freehand but pretty handy when the goal matches their capability. (image sent privately)

I particularly like Inkscape and The Gimp 2 for vector drawing and photo tweaking.


2008/2/27 <jandersen privat tele dk>:

Thanks for a great little program. It's easier to use than visio. The only feature I'm missing is freehand drawing. I often use Dia to take notes from the blackboard, and sometimes it would be convenient to be able to draw freehand.
Unfortuantely I don't know anything about c++. I'm trying to learn C# at the moment.But that doesn't make any good when wanting to add something to Dia.



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Michael Ross
Cycling in Central North Carolina
Schwinn Voyageur 11.8
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