Drawing circuits in dia

I tried dia to do my circuit diagrams for my dissertation, since it
uses antialiasing and the result is of acceptable appearance. However,
it's really difficult to make a big amount of diagrams, since every
component you insert from the Circuit sheet appears in a weird aspect
ratio and you need to resize each and every one of them. I tried to
find some other sheet on the web but I was unable to.

I tried to resize them, save them as shapes and insert them into the
sheet but when I did the aspect ratios still came out weird, different
depending on whether the component was horizontally or vertically
aligned (even though when I saved them I took care into making both
the same size).

Is there any way I can use dia to make my diagrams? Any help will be
greatly appreciated. A downloadable sheet or a way to make my own.

Also, is there any way for dia to remember its settings after you
close it? Do I need to set them up again every time I open it?

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