I want to know if there are people working on a network plugin. I'm looking for this king of features:
- network shappes ( constructors )
- connector compatibility (do not allow connection of optical fiber in cu-wire for exemple),
- one wire connector because on a network appliance there is only one wire per slot/port,
- connection locking because i offen deplace a neighbor line when tuning a route,
- fine device "connector" control ( if i put one optical fiber on the shappe then the fiber connect on fiber port and not wire)
- remote device highlight,
- wire auto-naming after the name of the connected devices,
- tubes and channels ,
- labels and comments everywhere,
- some tools to create insert/delete blanck space on the middle of a complex diagram
- some export ability (create excel spreadsheet with information on diagram device, connector) and statictics like count of devices, length of wires and so one...
- good compatibilty for people who don't have the plugin and on windows (which as currently a poor svg engine)
- and of course no uml ability ;-)
I would be happy to help. thank you
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