Re: Custom lines plugin for dia 0.96.1 (including patch+demo line shapes/sheet)

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 15:28 +0200, Marcel Toele wrote:
Hi guys,

I have written an objects/shapes plugin for dia called custom_lines.
It is similar to the custom_objects plugin
and allows users to define "line shapes" with preconfigured settings
for start/end arrow, 
line style, thickness, color, etc. using simple XML.

I can see the point of doing this, however you have taken a rather
unmaintainable road to do it.  You've copied the standard line objects
from the object/standard directory without any other change than a
different create function.  Which means all you're doing is adding a
different way to create objects, which doesn't have to require a new set
of objects.  You can look in the xfig importer for examples of how to
create standard objects.  That will save everyone from having to
maintain two different copies of the same code -- already now Hans has
changed enough in the bezier that your files are out of date, and we
definitely don't want such a maintenance nightmare down the road.

You should be aware that, unlike custom shapes, these custom lines can
have their look altered after creation.  Is that intentional?

Is there any particular reason you haven't allowed simple lines and
arcs?  I can somewhat understand leaving out simple lines, though they
have a thing or two that polyline doesn't, but why no arcs?

For making it easier to check patches, please don't include files that
aren't needed (such as ~ files and files that are cancelled), and either
avoid reindenting things that you haven't changed or use the -bB options
for diff.

I'm sorry, but I cannot apply your patch the way it is now, it's just
too unmaintainable.  I'm open for changing deeper things if that makes
it possible to support this in a simpler way, but copying that much
non-trivial code is not the way to go.


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