Fwd: Using the Tango Icons as objects in DIA

I'm forwarding an email from Andy Hull.

However dia can't use the .svg or .png files directly. Reading the
documentation, it seems that the .shape files are in effect wrappers for
.svg objects.

You can import SVG nicely to dia. In addition, you can add PNG, SVG and other
images as image objects to your diagrams. No need to create a *.shape file.

You should also be able to import an SVG or PNG and save the diagram as a new
*.shape. Just try it. If there are any problems, let us know.

Your request for hyperlinks in diagrams has been discussed several times on the
mailing list. The idea with the internal hyperlinks is new to me,
however. As I couldn't find
a feature request for this in bugzilla, I've added #458362 to remember this:




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andy Hull <andyhull fastmail fm>
Date: Jul 11, 2007 5:20 PM
Subject: Using the Tango Icons as objects in DIA
To: sdteffen gmail com

Subject: Using the Tango Icons as objects in DIA


I am a developer of open-audit, an open source network auditing package
using PHP and MySQl.
(see www.open-audit.org)

The developers have been looking at creating network diagrams from the
info in the audit database.
(this is a closed thread within the developers are of the support forum,
so if you need more on this, let me know)

One idea was to create .dia file using PHP and send it to the browser,
so the Administrator could open and edit it using dia.

To this end, I wanted to use the Tango icon set which is used
extensively throughout the project(http://www.tango-project.org) to
create the xml for the .dia file

However dia can't use the .svg or .png files directly. Reading the
documentation, it seems that the .shape files are in effect wrappers for
.svg objects.
My suggestion is to allow the use of .svg files as a <file> tag within
the .shape file, this opens up the possibility of using pretty much any
.SVG object within the .dia file.

Another suggestion is to allow links to objects, so items within the
diagram itself can have associated hyper-links, thus allowing you to
click on an object and see external information about the item in

Finally, if the image object was expanded to allow reference to a url
rather than a local file then it would be possible to create diagrams
using almost any object from the web. The possibilities are endless.
something like..

     <dia:attribute name="file">

I am unsure if you are the best person to mail this to, but if not let
me know and I will send this elsewhere.

 Andy Hull
 andyhull fastmail fm

http://www.fastmail.fm - I mean, what is it about a decent email

 Andy Hull
 andyhull fastmail fm

http://www.fastmail.fm - A no graphics, no pop-ups email service

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