Re: need pointers for working with custom Gtk widgets ...

On 2/1/07, Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk> wrote:

>  ... the basic idea is to make the properties dialog keep track of
> which properties have been changed by the user. In order for this to
> work, every widget in the dialog needs to register the default
> signal_handler for suitable signals.

Yay!  I'm happy to hear this.

Cool! Please do take a look at the patch I have posted on the bug
report ... would welcome comments about the changes I have proposed
for the function "property_signal_handler()" ...

The standard appears to be that the _new() functions return a GtkWidget
that you then cast back, see --
though not all standard Gtk widgets follow this, though there may be a
reason behind that.

This seems to be exactly what I was looking for. Will get into the
details over the weekend. But I also had another thought --- is it
worth creating a "correct" custom gtk widget? We could instead just
allow the custom widget constructors to directly connect relevant

Research Scholar, KReSIT, IIT Bombay

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