RE: Metapost - text alignment

On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 09:36 +1030, Young, Robert wrote:

I completely agree that text_line is required for GTK and export to PS,
PDF, bitmaps, etc. Users should be able to get reliable WYSYWIG export
for these types of formats where fonts can be embedded or rendered
directly. I'm of two minds on SVG...

However, maybe I don't understand the complete picture here, but there
are always going to be issues with fonts when exporting to some formats,
like metapost. By forcing the exported output to be fitted to a box that
is the wrong size for the resulting font/typesetting algorithm (because
as you have said TeX has different typesetting to GTK), we are trying to
force a square peg in a round hole.

I am hoping that's mainly a question of understanding the algorithm well
enough to tweak it to where the results are satisfactory.  But that
takes some work.

If we had a LaTex render, it would be a different story. No one has the
time to do one before 0.96 comes out. So my patch was aiming for
something that would work in most instances. Using text_line blows up on
equations, where as my proposed patch at least leaves the
right/centre/left alignment correct, and gets the odd text width wrong
(but within a couple of percent for sans, serif and monospace). I am
very keen to receive examples of where it doesn't work so that I can
improve it.

Having it a little shorter rather than a little longer is in general
better.  I think we shall go with your patch for 0.96.


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