Re: 19" Rack shapes for Dia

Jarda Benkovsky wrote:
Hi all,

I have created a couple new shapes for Dia. They are meant for drawing
equipment in 19" racks. So far the shapes include racks in several
standard sizes  and generic equipment/fillers in sizes from 1U-12U.

The XML is hand edited for brevity and high size fidelity. I am open to
your comments - if you have suggestions, corrections, etc, tell me.

Unfortunately, Dia's misfeature of scaling shapes to 2x2cm box means you
have to scale their width back to common size when using them.

The shapes are at

(Racks* files). Also in the directory are my older Electronics shapes.

I am eagerly awaiting your comments,

Thanks very much. I just installed under WinXP/Dia 0.96.1 and they seem
to work well. I wonder if it's possible to position a text tag to the
left or right and vertically in the middle of each 1U spot on the rack
shapes? I am always adding enumerable text comments beside my badly
drawn (until now) racks.


Attachment: Dispatch.dia
Description: application/dia

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