Re: Any new comments on the non-uniform scaling patch?

On Fri, 2007-12-07 at 09:39 +0100, Marcel Toele wrote:
2007/12/4, Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>:

Actually, it's not a bug in the SVG path code. The bottom-left
does not have an outline, it consists of fill-only. But, as I have
previously, the default  value for "filling dia objects" has been
from true to false. This means that from now on, no shape will be
by default. As I also said before: this may be a big problem, because 
many (if not all) custom shapes depend on this attribute to default to
true (if they are to appear according to their icon).

Yes, that's definitely an issue.  Could you make a bug report on it?

I'll look into it and will come back  to you on the default_scale
issue, which
as you states, perhaps should be fixed outside the scope of
or in combination with a default shape size of other shapes.

Can you point me to the bugreport you are referring to.

        Am I right to think that there is no such thing as a
        When I try, the sub-sub-shape appears, but not different from
        when it's 
        a sub-shape.

Theoretically it should be possible to have sub-sub-shapes and
to infinity, however, I have intentionally opted not to do this, as
this will
be very confusing to end-users. It will also create a big
problem: "How to resize the sub-sub-shapes or the sub-[sub]*-shapes?"

I agree there are some ... interesting UI problems there.


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