Re: Dia and me !

On Tue, 2007-04-03 at 19:13 +0200, Enguerrand wrote:
Hello you builder(s) of DIA,

First thank you for your job because I use more and more this beautiful
sofware at home and at work.

Second time , before knowing dia, i have used Ms Visio, for doing all my
diagrams for theater networks (audio, light, video, informatic network).
Now i use Dia because it's easier for my customers and my partners to
use an opensource sofware running on different OS without differences
between each OS.

Third perhaps can you help me to solve the only one problem i have with
Dia :

I have differents blocks and i want to make several links between two
blocks. I have no problem for the first one (red one) but when i want to
make the second link (blue one) it take the same place of the first link
and i see only the blue one. Is it possible doing the same thing that i
have done with Ms Visio : having space between  several links ?

You can do it in various ways, depending on what blocks and links you
use.  If you use arcs, you can just move the midpoint of the arc a bit
away.  If you use polylines, you can add more corners, likewise with
zigzaglines or beziers.  If your blocks have more connection points, you
can connect between specific connection points rather than just from
block to block.  But Dia does not have a "space between connections"
functionality as such.

I'm attaching a diagram with examples of this.  I'd probably suggest
using arcs or polylines for it, it seems to be the easiest to handle
that way.


Attachment: Diagram1.dia
Description: application/dia-diagram

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