Re: dia for w32 from command line

Dear Phillip,

files run from within make and, er, it isn't working. dia returns, but
nothing happens. No export occurs. When run within make I get

dia -e Image.png Image.dia
make: *** [Image.png] Error 53

Does this still work? Has something changed.

I assume that you're not using nmake. Did you move dia.exe from the original
installation folder? This might cause the problems. You may have to
create additional
AppPath settings in the registry if you move/copy the exe...

Second thought might be "creative" invocation of sub processes by your
make program
preventing the App Path setting to kick in...

I've tested the following simple makefile with Dia 0.95-1 and nmake:

all : diagram1.png

        "c:\program files\dia\bin\dia.exe" -e diagram1.png diagram1.dia



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