Can't open compressed file

I've saved a dia file using the 'Compress diagram files' options but, once saved I can't reopen them. I get the following error:

Error loading diagram /home/user/log_backup.dia.
Unknown file type.

If I save the file without the compression option I can open them fine. Running file on the file I get the following file type:
$ file log_backup.dia
log_backup.dia: gzip compressed data, ASCII, extra field, encrypted

if I try to gunzip the file, I get
$ gunzip -S .dia log_backup.dia
gunzip: log_backup.dia is encrypted -- not supported

So apparently the file is encrypted but I don't see anything in the documentation about encryption. Anyone have any ideas? I'm running Dia 0.95-1 and I'm saving/opening using the same version.

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