Dia UML changes

Most of my changes was specifically done for C#, the purpose of them is to get a code generator working for some of the C# language specifications. So you're quite right in that some of the changes are not conforming with the UML specification, but I'm sure most other  OO languages such as Java, C++ should be capable of using them.

Attributes are essentially `compiler metadata` which can be associated with any one of the elements, appart from a few other things the motivation for adding this is to allow one to properly model test cases as they should be, I don't think they were around at the time the UML specification was drafted.

Static for class indicates to the generator that all members in the instance are static, singleton is the more common design pattern name, in C# however you don't have to build a special pattern to get the same effect, in UML i'd imagine you'd need to model a class with an instance member recursing to itself to illustrate the concept.

Sealed does mean final but the entire class is final, UML_LEAF is something different in the different contexts of methods their overloading and inheritance.

At present I'm fairly happy with the changes as they have allowed me to model quite complex architechtures in DIA and essentially have all the skeleton code generated from these models.

Feel free to comment.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hans Breuer <hans breuer org>
Date: May 22, 2006 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: Dia UML changes
To: jan jan <jve7gm gmail com>

On 18.05.2006 21:43, jan jan wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> Can you help me merge my changes into the main stream.
Sure - but a much better place for getting Dia patches
reviewed is bugzilla, rather than my private Inbox.

Or maybe in this special case the mailing list.
By skimming over you patch - and looking something up
in the UML specification - I've got the impression
that you want to add some non standard extensions
to classes
   Attribute -> isn't this a property when using the
     class a member variable, not of the class itself.
   Static, Visibility -> same here.
   Sealed -> does this mean "Final, can't be redefined"
     as in UML_LEAF
to the already overly complex UML handling. Or am I
missing something?

Feel free to forward this message to dia-list when answering.
IMO such discussion should not be in private mail - so
other people can take part.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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