Re: GtkAction, Plugins and PyGtk

On 03.05.2006 21:22, Robert Staudinger wrote:

tracked in [1] i have been starting to move dia towards use of the
GtkUIManager/GtkAction framework instead of the deprecated
GtkItemFactory. A first patch for the toolbox is available, but API to
add menu items is also exported to the python plugins via
dia.register_callback. While this call is string based exporting the
new new GtkAction-based API would require either
 + dia to depend on PyGTK or
This does not sound like an option. By definition the core must not
depend on a plug-in (though there is one plug-in not optional : libstandard)

 + the implementation of a custom API.

Something like that seems to be done for The Gimp's plug-ins. The
plug-in action identifiers can be added into ui files. But if there
isn't already a  matching action I think it is created automatically.

PyGTK is of course a pretty big dependency, but for exporting internal
GObject-based API and gtk widgets it can save lots of coding effort.
At the moment I think you are overestimating the coding effort but
underestimate the effect of screwed by design ;)

What do you think about that, which way would you consider appropriate?

As noted above there seems to be a solution to this exact problem in The Gimp, part of it here

So IMO the way to go would be to change the filter_register_callback() to something more appropriate to action based menus and change some few plug-ins. One of the problems action based menus are supposed to fix cleanly is

Having a proxy action seems to be a small price to pay ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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