dia, librsvg and cairo

I would like to know if dia is going to use librsvg/cairo as a primary
renderer backend (not at the moment, perhaps in post 1.0 phase). Using
librsvg allows us to have full (non-animated) svg support for shapes.
This approach has a big disadvantage: all export plugins will be
obsoleted. We can only export to what format cairo supports. Also gdk
renderer backend will be dropped too so dia could not run as fast as
before (unless we have another X backend for cairo). However i think
pdf, ps, png and svg are enough for most of us. Cairo renderer has
been available in cvs. Someone may tweak custom shape objects to use
librsvg and then we can see the result.
So one advantage and a lot of disadvantages, what do you think?
Bi Cá Lao

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