Re: Working towards 0.95

On 06.02.2006 21:06, Torben H. Nielsen wrote:

First a big thank you to Hans and Lars for the great work they're doing for dia and the dia community!!

Thank you.

I am very excited about the thought that we'll soon have a new stable release of dia with many new features. But the progress towards against a stable release is not only for the core developers - the recent announcement of a feature freeze is a wake-up call to the entire community. Now we have to help the developers squish the last critical bugs and help with the documentation and translation (as soon as a string freeze is declared).

At the moment I think there will be a pre1 at the next weekend except some
critical bugs will be reported before that date (yes, please do report them if you could find some ;))

Hans and Lars, please let us know whether there are som areas, which need some extra intensive crash-testing, so that we soon can have a good and stable release.

This is a difficult question. (The last crashing bug I found was doing something I usually don't use; anti-aliased view with chronogram objects.)
So this is mostly *not* do what I do but more do what I say :-)

Here's my try on a simple answer:
- please check if what you are usually doing is still working, i.e.:
  - load your old diagrams
  - process (export, modify, save, reload, ...) them
  - ...
  - do something unusual (e.g. different order of closing)
- maybe create some custom shapes or ensure your old ones are still ok.

Another way would be to go to

and check if could reproduce NEEDINFO bugs or otherwise provide useful information.

Yet another way could be to go through feature requests and normal bugs
and check if they still apply. Add some note otherwise.

The 'portal page' of Dia's bug-tracking is

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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