Re: Bug 163574

christian ridderstrom gmail com sagde:
On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Lars Clausen wrote:

It's probably old news, but I was able to reproduce this one

using 0.94 and following the steps in the report, i.e.

1. start dia
2. add a digitizing board from the network group
3. add a network cloud from the network group, with the text 'Stuff',
   click somewhere in the diagram so no objects are highlighted
4. right click in the diagram window, and go to View and check
5. right click in the diagram window, go to 'File/Print Diagram'.
   file and accept the default of '' and click Ok
6. click the 'close window' button in the title bar of the diagram
7. click 'Discard changes'

I don't have the CVS version so I can't test that. If you (Lars etc)
reproduce it CVS, what about closing the bug for now?

I can't reproduce it with these step in neither 0.94 nor current CVS, so
that doesn't prove anything.

Ok. Let me see if I can make the steps more concise so you can reproduce
the bug in 0.94.

I doubt it's a conciseness question, more likely a difference of systems. 
I had no problems following your instructions.  I'm using a SuSE 9.2 for
my 0.94 on an x86 machine.


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