Diagrams within Diagrams


I wonder wheter it is possible to include a dia file within a diagram?

I guess its more of a feature wish rather than a question. We have been
working for quite some time with dia to create uml class diagrams which
we later on use to generate perl code.  In the begining we kept all
classes within one diagram. But as development progressed and the
project grew it became clumsy and we began dividing into multiple
diagrams. Still it would be nice to have an "overview" diagram which
shows the entire system, we have made a few of those by hand, but it
would be ultracool if we could just open a diagram which "includes"
(think C #include) the others. Maybe something for a future release?
What do you think? Meanwhile, is it possible to generate shapes or
something that could be included, if so I could create a Makefile or a
script for it.


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