Re: New features planned for 0.95?

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, clement begue wrote:

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 11:05:17 +0100
From: clement begue <clement begue thalesgroup com>
Reply-To: discussions about usage and development of dia
    <dia-list gnome org>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: New features planned for 0.95?

Hello everyone!

Some users here in my company are wondering what will be the major
differences between the 0.94 and what should be next, 0.95.
If someone could tell me what has been made since 0.94, or where I can
find such information, it would be great.
I don't need a full book of changes, just the (very) major bugs
corrected and new features added. Let's say the 10 most important
improvements would be enough.

This bugzilla query lists Dia bugs that have been marked "Resolved Fixed"
in the past 100 days, which might also give you a good idea of what has
been fixed...

but the Changelog is probably still a better option


Alan Horkan

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