Compiling current CVS snapshot of Dia on FreeBSD

Hello everyone.

I'm wondering what magic is needed to get a clean run
so I can compile the CVS version (and eventually hack on it). 

I'm on FreeBSD as my development platform, and FreeBSD always suffixes
the automake/libtool/etc programs with the version number
(e.g. autoconf14, autoconf15). Naturally this confuses and
I eventually get to errors like:

./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-db2html --enable-gnome --with-python
/ltconfig: ./ltconfig: No such file or directory
configure: error: libtool configure failed

./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-db2html --enable-gnome --with-python
./configure: line 1222: syntax error near unexpected token `dia,0.94+cvs'
./configure: line 1222: `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(dia,0.94+cvs)'

Both attempts above are with different versions of the autoconf 
toolsuite, which admittedly I really dont understand much of.

Is there a specific version vector for { autoconf, libtool,
intltoolize, automake, libtoolize, aclocal, autoheader } that I need
to adhere to so I can build the current snapshot from CVS?

My current setup is:

 automake/aclocal:  1.4 and 1.5
 autoconf/automake: 2.13 2.53 and 2.59
 libtool:  1.3 and 1.5
 gettext:  0.14.1
 intltool: 0.32.1

I know I can build from ports, and I have done this. If I expect what
I eventually do to Dia to ever be contributed back to Dia I should
probably track CVS. Yet, if I am missing something (like just getting
a tarball of the released Dia and hacking from there) please let me

Additionally, I am willing to take what I learn and place it in (which can easily have a check for this situation).

Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave jetcafe org 
The opinions expressed above are entirely my own <<<

Excuses are the tools with which those with no purpose in
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