Re: Stable enough for 0.94.1 or the like?

Octavio Alvarez sagde:
Since it's been a long time since 0.94 came out, and CVS has many, MANY
important fixes, wouldn't it be a good idea to release next version now?
Do you think it's stable enough? If not, what about an official 0.94.1 or
the like? I guess, being a sub-1.0 version it wouldn't matter that much,
would it?
I wish.  There's several major changes that are not usable enough yet
(mainpoints, for instance, are so aggressively sticcky that a lot of
earlier usages are impossible), and there's still a rather long list of
bugs that we'd like to get down.  When the next release comes, it will be
0.95, there's no simple way to take the bugfixes only and call that


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