AW: Re-phrase

Great, thank you very much sir.
Will do so..

Best reguards 

Von: dia-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:dia-list-bounces gnome org] Im
Auftrag von Jeffrey Kern
Gesendet: Montag, 31. Januar 2005 17:10
An: discussions about usage and development of dia
Betreff: Re: Re-phrase

ImageMagick is sloooow. Plus it has a ton of requirements before it will
GD2, on the other hand, is fast and lite.
Also, if you know perl, there is GD::SVG
Once you have a GD object, you can easily convert to JPEG or PNG. and
fairly simple to gain coordinates/bounds.

I wrote an imap module using GD2 for PNG images, so I know it is
possible. It just might require more work than you had anticipated.

Good luck,

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:56:23 +0100, RittervomNie web de
<RittervomNie web de> wrote:
Sam Post schrieb:
Any ideas? I'd like to be able to use Dia to make an image, then run

a simple script that reads the dia/svg file and outputs html for a 
clickable image map. The problem is, dia's coordinate system is in 
centimeters and I can't figure out how to get this into pixels, 
which is what jpg's and png's use.

Depends on resolution. Why not using "compatible" vector graphics 
programs? OpenOffice can handle jpegs (load one), draw in 
centimeter-scale (over the jpeg) and export the drawing as svg. (drawn

in cm, exported in pixels).

Does this solve the problem? (Otherwise use Image-Magic libraries and 
code something in perl, java, c or any preferred language and get the 
cm bounds of jpegs and gifs->calculate scaling factor->proportionally 
scale your svg coordinates.) 
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