Re: manipulating properties

Am Dienstag, 26. April 2005 09:29 schrieb Hans Breuer:
From: "Bernd Rößl" <bernd roessl telesis at>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 00:02:59 +0200

hello list,

i tryed to create DiaObjects by python which works fine. but when i try
to set some properties like 'name' it seams all properties are readonly.

o = dia.get_object_type("UML - Class").create(10,10)
o[0].properties.get('name').value = "MyClass"

TypeError: 'DiaProperty' object has only read-only attributes (assign
to .value)

is there a special methode to set properties or another way to build
models by python?

Yes. o[0].properties['name'] = "MyClass"


But only simple properties can be set, i.e. no lists like the "operations"

thanks hans,

does this mean, there is no way to add "operations" and "attributes" to a 
class-object? i'm currently try to build a plugin like a reverse engenering 
tool for python code, and i need to set operations and attributes to classes.
ok, i'm trying some things in the evening.

thanks once again and have a nice day

telesis Entwicklungs- und Management GmbH · Hof 4 · A-6861 Alberschwende
Tel +43 5579 7171 79 · Fax -71 · Mobil +43 699 17717179 · bernd roessl telesis at

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