midpoints and connectors

one question about lines that point toward to midpoints,
but end at the edge. If I understnad the issue: lines coneected
to midpoints behave like those in RationalRose (...in the hope you
experienced it).
(A nice feature like that could be useful when I apply the layout
calculated by GraphWiz "importing" it in my diagrams)

first question: I'm using dia 0.94, but lines dont't end at the edge
(I tryed with Assorted shapes). Am I missing something?

Maybe I can find the feature in the latest sources?
In this case I'm in trouble because I can't find Makefile.in(s) and the
other stuff required to configure and make the binaries.

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 23:03:06 -0700
From: Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>
Subject: Non-coder contribution:  Adding midpoints to shapes
To: discussions about usage and development of dia
        <dia-list gnome org>
Message-ID: <1113631386 6902 4 camel linux site>
Content-Type: text/plain

Here's a specific piece of work that non-coders can do for Dia:  We
recently added the concept of midpoints to shapes, whereby a shape with
a midpoint defined can be connected to by dragging a line to anywhere on
the shape, and the line will point towards the midpoint, but end at the
edge.  However, almost all shapes have no midpoint defined for them,
which we'd want to get fixed before the next release  Bug #300799 at
bugzilla.gnome.org is the coordination point for this.  Please let me
know if you can help.


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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