mind mapping/topic mapping/dependency mapping?

I have a requirement to create a picture of all the dependencies
of my servers and their applications. I don't want to draw the
picture/diagram nor do I wanto maintain that image. What I want
(unless someone has a better idea) is to create a file of
dependencies (A: B C D -> B/C/D all depend on A) and have a
script generate a file (a dia file, an xfig file, something)
that describes these dependencies and the have the program (dia/xfig)
read the file, create the little boxes with their associated
labels, run an auto-layout algorithm to spread out the little
boxes, and then generate either a postscript, HPGL, dvi, jpg,
png, etc., file that I can print and hand to my manager.

Anyone have any thoughts how to do this easily?


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