Scaling, printing, etc. in Dia

I've just started playing with Dia for drawing some diagrams of my
SoHo network and, maybe later, some plans of my house for routing
cables etc.

It all works pretty well and I found my way around everything quite
easily except for scaling and printing.

As I modify and change diagrams the horizontal and vertical rulers
seem to have totally arbitrary scales and origins.  Is there any way
to arrange things so that 0,0 is at the bottom LH corner of a single
drawing area that can be printed on a single (or maybe more) sheets of

I've discovered the 'Page Setup' window but I can't see how that
helps.  If you set it to "Fit to: 1 by 1" then the page varies in size
as you draw which is most distracting and the edge of the drawing is
at the edge of the paper with no margins so does it all print?

I also found with "Fit to: 1 by 1" I could end up with a drawing
window that couldn't be scrolled to cover the whole page I was trying
to draw on.

Have I missed something somewhere?

Chris Green (chris areti co uk)

    "Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence."

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