Re: [dia] Windows created diagrams are no longer readable

Why not coding the size of the box when saving the file ? Text size
helps determine what the size of the box should be, *initially* (ie when
creating the object). Then IMHO, the size should be saved persistently
and reused. That would probably solve this issue. If you have anything
against that, please explain.

Only problem is that once you edit the text, the size changes, even if
you don't change the text. 

But that case, all the anchor are updated as well and we are not hit by
the side effect described when load a UNIX generated diagram on Windows.
No ?

 But that may be a better option.  It will be
realizable once the current change in text edit method is complete.

However, it also means that either the text will spill over, or the
width of the text must be preserved in some other way -- which is

Perhaps can we "lock" the size ?


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