Re: problem with dia 0.92.2 & Fedora Core 1

Le Mon, Mar 29, 2004, à 04:33:30PM +0200, jerome moliere a écrit:
Hi all,
using the above configuration,  I 'm facing a small problem with DIA...
I'm writing a book using docbook & I use FOP transformation to get a PDF 
from my docbook files..
So I must use PNG format to get a proper rendering (in the final PDF)...
I read the manual & check the FAQ but can't find any information about:
why can't I get any file exported when doing export (file menu after 
right click) & selecting PNG format ?
my dia file is written no problem but I'm unable to get a PNG version .. :(
very boring for my work...

Can you get DocBook to use an EPS file or an EPS file converted as PDF into 
the final result? If you can get that to work, and if PDF is the normal
usual target, it may be a better option.

What version of libpng are you using? 

To export to PNG, I'm usually just using Right Click...File...Export, then I
just type "foo.png" and let dia figure out the best export plug-in for that
extension. FWIW, CVS as of last Friday was exporting PNGs fine on my Sid box
(they're in -- Lars, by
the way, if you haven't yet checked that out?).

I hope this helps.

        -- Cyrille


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