Re: Scaling TeX output

Justin Gombos <mindfuq zianet com> writes:

I generated a TeX diagram, and when latex compiled the thing, it ran
off the page.  There doesn't seem to be a scaling mechanism in LaTeX.

Oh, but there is. Load the graphicx package (or graphics if you prefer,
they should work the same in this regard). That is, put


in the preamble of your document.
Then you can use the commands


In your case this should work fine (in case the diagram currently is
to wide):

\resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{ \input{file.tex}}

This means that the diagram in file.tex will be typeset to the
currently defined textwidth width preserved proportions.

Xdvi will probably not show the result correctly, but a resulting
PS- or PDF-file should be fine.

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