Re: dia-0.93-pre1: dia.spec

Sorry a "not" was missing.

I got the following error message when clicking on 'Help':

Could not open help directory:
Error opening directory '/usr/share/dia/help': No such file or directory


On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 04:33, Zhang Lin-bo wrote:
I tried to build dia-0.93-pre1 under Fedora Core 1 and I encountered
some problems. Attached are the changes I made to dia.spec to get the
building process to complete successfully (note: the directory /usr/var
is missing in the %files section, I don't know the purpose of files in
it so I simply removed the directory after 'make install')


Another problem I noticed, after installing the binary package,
is that the help files can be found through the Help->Manual
menu entry.

I assume there should be a 'not' or an 'only' in there somewhere, as I
for one don't have a problem with the manual being found through



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