Re: 0.93-pre1 is out!

On Sat, Mar 20, 2004 at 07:02:08PM +0100, Lars Clausen wrote:
Starting work towards 0.93, the first prerelease is out today.  Please
download it at and try
it out.  Report bugs to bugzilla at least.

Do you think you can apply my patch for adding radio cells
to the network objects?  I sent it to the list on Sun,
2003-12-07 17:47:00 +0000.  Also, there is an example
diagramme attached, that can be added to the dia examples

I know, I should have put that into Bugzilla, but it's
complicated to use, if you ever have used the great
'reportbug' tool...

Note: The patch still applies cleanly to anon CVS of
yesterday, but I found, that I forgot the
change.  It is attached to this mail.

W. Borgert <debacle debian org>,

Attachment: cell.sheet.patch
Description: Text document

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