Dia Test-Run


I am giving Dia a test run; it is very, very nice to see something out there that can replace Visio. (I have been a Visio user since 1994, and MS has all but destroyed it with poor quality, bugs I never saw until MS acquired it).

I am looking to replace MS Visio as my primary drawing tool for software development projects; mostly used for drawings, UML diagrams and such. However, in order to do that, I am going to have to be able to pull off a few things with whatever drawing tool I use.

I realize this is an open source, pre 1.0 release (and job well done so far, I might add ;-) There are a couple of questions I have about it, hoping someone might be able to answer:

1. Text in Shapes - I can't seem to select a shape, type, and have text show up in the shape. Rather, I have to explicitly overlay the shape w/ text from the Text Tool. Am I doing something wrong? (I can't find any text-based properties for the shape; should I assume text is not an attribute of a shape in this 0.93 release?)

2. Programming APIs - will I be able to write programs/scripts to parse the drawings, like Visio offers? A scripting way to do so (like Visio's VBA, or third-generation language (preferred, actually) like C or C++ would be fantastico. Is that in the works? Available?

I will keep reading docs and playing with it.



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