Re: Is there a local shape directory?

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 RittervomNie web de wrote:

Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 18:37:47 +0200
From: RittervomNie web de
Reply-To: discussions about usage and development of dia
    <dia-list gnome org>
To: discussions about usage and development of dia <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Is there a local shape directory?

Am Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2004 17:56 schrieb Alan Horkan:

(rtfm=read the f*** manual *g*)

Please dont do that.

because I have encountered other projects that were not pleasant to deal
with and I dont want Dia to become that kind of project.

Nobody likes being told to RTFM,
it is not polite in any language.

Only RTM?

No, i dont give a fuck about cursing.  :P

My point is that we were all beginners once or at least new here to this
project at one point and we would have been less likely to stick around if
people had not done their best to help us.  Take for example Cyrille's
polite answer to your previous question, he encouraged you, he made
suggestions and tried to be as helpful as possible.  Also look how both
Lars and Cyrille who are experts at Dia answered the question asked
without any comment that might make the user feel bad about not having
tried harder to find the answer.  .

I'd say everybody knows the abbreviation RTFM,

Those who understand English very well and are active in open source
software might be expected to know but even then they might not know which
"manual" to look at or where to find it.  The manual might not be good
enough or available in their native language.

It doesn't cost a penny to be nice to our users, it is the best form of
advertising we have.  We want people to feel good about using Dia and we
want to help them to get the most out of it, not regret asking questions.

same as ASAP or BRB or whatever.

I dont like the use of acronyms and abbreviations in general because it
makes English harder to understand (as does the use of Latin terms ie, eg,
etc) and I think the Netiquette RFC (request for comments ;) might even
make a point of mentioning it.

It is not meant to heart anybody but to be funny in an ironical
way...could also be an exaggeration.

I understand where you are coming from but it could just as easily be
misunderstood and interpreted as rude ...

I won't use it again, mkay ?! *g*

... the same way my gentle request asking you to try and be more polite
than is usually required seems to have been interpreted as my being some
sort of interfering nannying character (from your South Park 'mkay'

I'm sorry to criticize, but the Dia developers have been very helpful and
polite.  I have a sense of humour and I dont want to force you to be
something you are not.  I'm overstating it a bit to make a point, it was
only a small thing and I could tell from the *g* that you meant it to be
amusing.  I just want to keep up the excellent standards, and I ask that
you try and treat every question as if it was the first question of a new
user, just trying their best to enjoy and use Dia.


Alan Horkan
'still feels like a neophyte'

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