Re: Font sizing (was Re: [dia] Windows created diagrams are no longer readable)

On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 15:19, Hans Breuer wrote:wrote:
By default Dia currently uses very weak hints to the font system which font 
to use, like 'sans', 'serif', 'monospace' - that is : the first font in the 
systems enumeration which is classified as being of the respective type. 
Depending on your system for e.g. sans-serif this may be :

'Helvetica - on common Linux (if there is such)
'Luxi Sans' - with osx/X11
'Arial' - with win32 (either Pango/FT2 or Pango/win32 based)

Maybe we should try to fixate the actual font when used?  I.e. when I
select 'sans', it is recorded as Helvetica, so that other systems will
use that if present.  It will need to have a decent fallback to 'sans',

UPDATE: Repeating my test with 0.93 (they were originally done some month 
ago with some 0.92 or even 0.91 ?) did show a IMO serious regression 
though. Font sizes between the backends are no longer the same.
To test yourself try the attached UML-Test (original from Dias 
distribution, I've put in an additional layer showing the UML Class box 
sizes with Dia-0.90-win32.

That diagram showed me a crash bug that was easily fixable, so it's
doubly good:)  

Loading the file with 0.93(Pango/win32) shows some small deviation, some 
few percent as expected. But loading the same file into .93(Pango/FT2) 
shows that the boxes - and thus the reported text length - are about 30% 
smaller. To me this looks like an unacceptable regression - I simply have 
too much diagrams done with 0.90 ...

Testing DPI interference...

Confused (-;

Me too.


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