Re: Others w32 compilation errors

At 15:28 01.06.04, nicosoftcorp free fr wrote:
Now when I want compil dia 0.93
I have this errors :

cl -G5 -GF -Ox -Zi -MD -W3 -nologo -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -GD -c -FImsvc_re commended_pragmas.h -I.. -I ..\..\glib -I ..\..\glib\glib -I ..\..\glib\gmodul e -I ..\../gettext-0.10.40/intl -I ..\../atk -I..\../gtk+\gdk -I..\../gtk+\gdk - I..\../gtk+ -I..\../pango -I..\../atk -I ..\../zlib-1.1.3 -DHAVE_FREETYPE -I ..\../freetype2\include -DHAVE_LIBART -DLIBDIA_COMPILATION diagdkrenderer.c
cl : Ligne de commande warning D4002 : option '-GD' inconnue ignorée
C:\Documents and Settings\Net\Bureau\w32 dia\top\include\pango\pangoft2.h(37) :
error C2143: erreur de syntaxe : absence de ')' avant '*'

Ehm. How did you manage to get linker errors _before_ compiler errors ?
This one may be missng Freetype ...

C:\Documents and Settings\Net\Bureau\w32 dia\top\include\pango\pangoft2.h(40) :
error C2370: 'gint' : redéfinition ; classe de stockage différente
        ..\..\glib\glib\gtypes.h(44) : voir la déclaration de 'gint'

... but this one looks like maybe two installations of GLib ?
Anyway : what I would change at first is the base directory, i.e. having spaces in path names looks like a real bad idea to me, especially if they get passed to programs via command line. It maybe possible to work around this by quoting but why bother ? BTW: probably more useful than the compilers error messages would be the command line passed to _one_ of the compiler runs like :

D:\devel\my-gtk\dia\lib>nmake -f makefile.msc NOFT2=1

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.62.7022
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1997. All rights reserved.

cl -G5 -GF -Ox -Zi -MD -W3 -nologo -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -GD -c -FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h -I.. -I..\..\glib -I..\..\glib\glib -I..\..\glib\gmodule -I..\..\other\intl-tml -I ..\../atk -I..\../gtk+\gdk -I..\../gtk+ -I..\..\pango -I..\../atk -I..\../other/libiconv-1.3\include -I ..\../gnome-xml\include -I ..\../other/zlib-1.1.3 -DHAVE_LIBART -I..\../libart_lgpl\.. -FIlibart_lgpl/art_co
font.c(621) : warning C4090: '=' : different 'const' qualifiers

BTW2: if you want to compile Dia without Freetype dependency (like I do) try the command line also shown above :

        nmake -f makefile.msc NOFT2=1

C:\Documents and Settings\Net\Bureau\w32 dia\top\include\pango\pangoft2.h(60) :
error C2059: erreur de syntaxe : 'type'
diagdkrenderer.c(582) : error C2065: 'FT_Bitmap' : identificateur non déclaré

Definitely Freetype ...

diagdkrenderer.c(633) : warning C4022: 'g_free' : incompatibilité de pointeur po
ur le paramètre actuel 1
diagdkrenderer.c(640) : error C4047: '!=' : 'int' diffère de 'void *' dans les n
iveaux d'indirection
diagdkrenderer.c(641) : error C4047: 'fonction' : 'GdkPixbuf *' diffère de 'int'
 dans les niveaux d'indirection
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl'á: code retour '0x2'

Please double check the installation instructions - and maybe it's better to not dump huge compiler output into your mails ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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