Re: Stopping the plague on Dia list

Is it possible to have the list management software suppress messages with attachments (at least for now?)

On Jan 30, 2004, at 3:26 AM, Marco Contenti wrote:

Hello everybody,

it seems that these days a real plague is spreading around the Net, and
listst like the Dia list can be a vehicle for that, since every message is
received by hundreds (?) of subscribers.
Well, to date there are three messages with viral content on the list. They weren't actually sent by the person whose address is shown as sender. The virus takes it randomly from the address book of the victim (these days I'm getting a lot of replies to messages I never sent). Anyway this can help finding the message source, so I would ask every Dia-list subscriber to do a
quick check as follows.

If all of the following apply:

- you mail the Dia list using a computer running Windows

- you are using the old Dia list address dia-list lysator liu se

- your address book contains at least one of the following addresses:
  hfiguiere teaser fr; sdteffen web de; lrclause cs uiuc edu

then there is good chance that your computer got infected.



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