CVS Dia: result of revision

During fix some problem with localized
filenames and console messages I made some patches
against current CVS. It is result of practically full review
of user interface code of dia.

Following patches is attached:

 - fix some mistakes in texts

 - fix libgnomeprint detecting

 - introduce three new function
+ build_filename_extension -- used for build new filename from
source name and new extension (replacing build_output_file_name)
+ diagram_get_filename -- returns filename of diagram in 
filesystem encoding by safe way
+ dia_message_filename -- returns static string with filename in 
UTF8 encoding for using in messages and dialogs

 - some improvement of code
+ now new file do not create with the same name as exist
+ assume dia->filename in UTF-8 and has absolute path
+ assume dia->autosavefilename in filesystem encoding
+ diagram_get_name rewritten by safe and helpful way
+ replace strerror by g_strerror function as it needed

 - fix all problem with using filename in filesystem or UTF-8 
 - use dia_message_filename for dialogs and output messages
 - replace char * into gchar * in too much places

Please check it and commit if it is possible.

Vitaly Lipatov
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
GNU! ALT Linux Team! LaTeX! LyX!

Attachment: dia-0.95.etersoft.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Attachment: dia-gnomeprint.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Attachment: dia-typo-errors.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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