dia ... can you program for me?

is it possible to have your program work online or is only for downloading? I am trying to get something for my surfers to use for editing floor plans .... i don't need 3d, do you do this type of programming?
if you can program, all i need is a paint type program where people can either upload a floor plan or select one within the program ... stamps would be perfect ... i can generate all the images needed, i just need the ability to edit or add them at will
for the idea I am seeking, check http://www.uni-koeln.de/themen/java/examples/contest/PRMJATGT/draw.html ... this I would like to simply add a background to for people to edit, but it has so much stuff I don't need and may confuse surfers of my site ... I just need to draw lines and add text, the best example is at http://www.izhuk.com/painter/plan/ ... this would be perfect if I knew how to modify it in html or java, i have to have that ability so i can tweak and add any extras at will ... I am not sure if I can quickly grasp learning or buying any more software to accomplish this ... If the drawing program is good enough for permits or whatever else they can use it for, it would be a great help for the freebie seekers ... 
let me know if you can help, I look forward to pursuing this ....
Thanks so much

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