Re: Unicode in .eps output

On 1 Oct 2003, Gerard Milmeister wrote:
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 07:48, Lars Clausen wrote:
On 29 Sep 2003, Gerard Milmeister wrote:
I installed dia 0.92-pre4 because 0.91 didn't work
with pango 1.2.5.
However Unicode characters in eps output is wrong. I used
for example uppercase gamma, and a different character
appears in the Postscript file, although png output is
correct. If I recall correctly in 0.91 the PS output 
was correct.

This is with Pango rendered output?  PS fonts don't handle Unicode at
all, really.

Ok, I understand now. Using the commandline converter dia 0.91
used the pango renderer by default, but 0.92 uses the PS fonts.
Is it possible to choose the renderer on the command line?

No.  The PS/Pango selection is a kludge, as mentioned earlier, and there's
no way to select which of two eps outputs you want on the commandline.

Shouldn't it be possible to use Unicode characters in Postscript?

Not without a lot more work.

Indeed.  We should have a more usable way to pass parameters to the
export filters.  Currently only the PNG export takes parameters, and it
does that in a kludgy way.
But not on the command line, or does it?


Another problem is that the bounding box is too large at the bottom if
there is a text object is at the bottom.

The bounding box of text is determined by line spacing, thus it is larger
than the text itself.  At some point will we need to distinguish between
bounding boxes (which include interactive stuff like cursors and bezier
handles) and rendered extents.

Also there is no correspondence between the font size in dia
and the font size in the generated .eps file. I would like to
specify 10pt font and actually have a 10pt font in Postscript.
Otherwise I have to scale the graphics in TeX, and I can do
this only visually to exactly match the font size in the main

That's not a text issue, but an issue of the whole rendering size.  If it
was just the text, it'd overflow the boxes.

I'd like to specify 10pt in Dia, too, but nobody's implemented units yet.


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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