Re: Exporting fonts properly

At 18:59 28.11.03 +0100, Berta Milan wrote:
Simple question:

What can I do to export fonts properly (for example to svg)?

Export as blah.svg or blah.svgz should do the trick, i.e.
I've tested with both svg exporters in Dia 0.92 and
they simply worked. Obviously the text size needs to be 
set within Dia to the appropriate value first.

I mean: The Dia does not exports properly the sizes of
fonts, they are always set to "font-size: 1" (or if they are
bold, in svg file they are not). How can I export to svg
file and keep adjusted font size and style?

First please tell about the version you are using. [From the
ChangeLog I'm guessing it is not more than Dia 0.90 or more 
than a year old ...]

2002-06-25  Cyrille Chépélov  <cyrille chepelov org>

        Actually exported the font face, style, weight and size (sodipodi
        agrees with dia on how a small sample should look like (a sample
        0.90 would not even display anyways). Yay !)

Also there are many other bugs fixed since than.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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