Re: Logic Gates in SVG format for Dia [2/2]

Sorry that no one responded, I assumed someone else would.  Nothing
personal, I think we all just assumed some one else would respond, we are
usually much more friendly.

There are general instructions for anonymous access to Gnome CVS which I
have used before sucessfully to download Dia but I cannot say for sure if
it working at the moment.

I have not looked at you shapes yet and cannot comment on them, I had
planned to look at them and get back to you but other things distracted

Other ways to submit patches would be to attach them to bugzilla bug
reports and or put them on a website somewhere and mail the link.

As you have so kindly written makefiles it is quite likely that Lars
Clausen (if he likes you work) will add it when he next has enough time to


Alan Horkan

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Cyril Chevrot wrote:

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 18:52:41 +0100 (CET)
From: Cyril Chevrot <chevrot altern org>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: Dia ML <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Logic Gates in SVG format for Dia [2/2]

If I put all the attachment files in the same mail, the size of my mail
becomes greater than 40 KB and I can't post it on this mailing list.
So I split my attachment files into two mails.

Attachment to this mail: patch-0.92.gz

  I obtain it via:
  # diff -urN dia-0.92 dia-0.92-cc
  where dia-0.92-cc is my own tree.
  You can apply it via the following commands:
  # cp patch-0.92 dia-0.92
  # cd dia-0.92
  # patch -p1 < patch-0.92


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