
"Please try it out and tell me what you think of it."
ok i will do that:
First of all, we are a system vendor. For cost reasons i have the job to
evaluate dia for the inhouse use.We use Windows as the main system and
UNIX/LINUX is not the main theme here.
I think Dia is a great piece of Software. For a version 0.91 its really
really good and stable.
But i really missed out three things:
1. The automatic draw of new and finer grid lines. These allow, like Visio,
the exact positioning of objects. Without that, DIA can't really used to
draw org charts.
2. The Font Syle:  With the feature of DIA, that only the whole text can get
a style its a not easy to design a diagram. Because without point 1 the
positioning of the other(s) lines is very difficult.
3. If i draw a diagram, first i draw the objects and than the lines and
arrows. And there is a missed feature for me in DIA. I must define for every
line all the arrows. There is no automatism. Ok i can copy an existing line.
The same problem is when i draw an object. imho find the visio solution
better, I must explicit change the object. But ok. What i mean is, the
program is not round at the moment, to much must i do manually. Its all
logical, but imho like the visio style.

ok. Thats all at the moment. i like DIA very much. And i will track his way
in the next time.

Henrik Schuetze

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