Re: A matter of principle [Re: HIGification of dialog boxes]

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:

Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 19:22:15 +0200
From: Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille chepelov org>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: A matter of principle [Re: HIGification of dialog boxes]

Le Fri, Jul 18, 2003, à 04:31:15PM +0100, Alan Horkan a écrit:

I had a small screen for a very long time, this is a very personal pet
hate of mine.  Being told by some insensative clod to buy new hardware,
helps no one.

Hello? That's not what I said. My point was: the instant-apply thing where

Stop you right there.  Sorry, the rant wasn't aimed at you are any of the
Dia devlopers really.  I know it is not the kind of thing you would say,
it was just a general rant inspired by your mention of limited screen
space and having to deal with other far less pleasant applications than
Dia.  Dia currently works for small screens and I would hate to see that
broken without an incredibly good reason.

instant-apply thing is nonsense which leads in the wrong direction of too
many open windows.

done badly, yes that could happen but it is aviodable.

I consider 1024x768 and less as "postage-stamp"-sized. That is, unsuitable

In fact, I'm pondering about a nice hack to have the toolbox take less space
on the screen and still remain usable -- I'm just not so sure of how
gtk-win32 would behave.

Being able to go fullscreen would provide more space.
In fullscreen mode you could have an autohide menu maybe?

What would the usability folks think about that?

Not sure.  I doubt I would like it but it might work.

If you want to use the Menubar but also want to be able to toggle it more
easily would you consider adding a menu item for it and a keybinding.

- Alan

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