Re: SHIFT-click for "persistent" create object tool ?

Alan Horkan wrote:

for this feature to be really useful we will need better visual feedback
and documentation so that users might actually find the feature, but I
think it is better to have the feature in sooner rather than later.

I think so. Hard to find, but useful option is better than no such option at all (as long as there's a chance somebody will make it more visible in the future).

So far, I can't send any patch because CVS HEAD is broken and doesn't compile. But when it works, I'm going to send a patch doing all of these (already implemented):

- SHIFT-clickable create object tools
- middle button panning using "transient tool" method - maybe some other tools can be used as transient too - scroll wheel zoom (still don't know what to do with second wheel when it exists - rare situation)

OK ?


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